In partnership with the Barclays Digital Eagles team, the National Trust will be delivering programmes to boost u3a members’ confidence online.
The first sessions for u3a members were completed last week and were well attended with over 200 participants across the five days of workshops. We have now reviewed the feedback with the trainers and identified the workshops that were most popular and beneficial to the membership and arranged further dates as follows:
Book via the link – or you can click on the sessions in below.
Internet Basics
Wednesday 5th May 10:00-11:30 or
Wednesday 5th May 13:30-15:00 or
Thursday 13th May 10:00-11:30
This session has been designed to cover some internet basics: Broadband, browsers and search engines, top tips for searching for something on the internet, setting up an email, connecting to a Zoom call, connecting to the internet (iOS and Android), (we also have content which covers different versions of windows for laptops if required)
Digital Safety
Thursday 6th May 10:00 -11:30 or
Thursday 6th May 13:30-15:00 or
Friday 14th May 10:00-11:30 or
Friday 14th May 13:30-15:30
How to stay safe while using your digital devices. This includes identifying common fraud and scams, making sure your passwords are strong enough, what to look out for and understanding how you can protect yourself.
Entertainment online
Friday 7th May 10:00-11:30 or
Friday 7th May 13:30-15:00 or
Thursday 13th 13:30-15:00
An engaging session focusing on how to maximise the potential of using your digital device to keep you entertained. From downloading apps, to virtual tours and social media, finding more ways to bring some entertainment into your home.
An Introduction to Digital Wings
Wednesday 12th May 10:00-11:30 or
Wednesday 12th May 13:30-15:00
For those who are looking to improve their digital skills further, whether you’re a beginner or more advanced this session will introduce you to our free learning platform Digital Wings. We will give you a tour and show you some ways to get the best from the site so you can continue your learning at the right time and pace to suit you. This session will not cover previous topics but is a session to recap and answer questions for attendees from the previous sessions.
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