Category: National Office
Computer Assistance Online
In partnership with the Barclays Digital Eagles team, the National Trust will be delivering programmes to boost u3a members’ confidence online. The first sessions for u3a members were completed last week and were well attended with over 200 participants across the five days of workshops. We have now reviewed the feedback with the trainers and identified…
Video Message from National Office
Video message from Sam (CEO) and Ian (Chair) to u3a members – click here…
Online Zoom Sessions
If you are interested in learning how to use Zoom or just want to know what you might be missing out on then National Office have set up some new sessions. For more information click here…
Winter Learning Programme
All initiatives are available at: National Programmes. Initiatives are intentionally released on a stagger to keep people’s interest and participation over the winter. Events which require members to book are at: Educational Events. The website will be updated regularly so please keep checking these pages. 1. National poetry competition. Nationwide search to find the best…
Zoom Training Sessions
If you feel you are missing out by not knowing about Zoom meetings then why not try one of the U3A demonstrations. Several sessions have been arranged for next week and you can find out more by clicking here…