Social & Educational Group for Market Rasen & Surrounding Area

Winter Learning Programme

All initiatives are available at: National Programmes. Initiatives are intentionally released on a stagger to keep people’s interest and participation over the winter. Events which require members to book are at: Educational Events. The website will be updated regularly so please keep checking these pages.

1. National poetry competition. Nationwide search to find the best poem penned by a u3a member. Launched 12th October. 20th November deadline, then judging. Winner announced January 2021.

2. Programme of free talks delivered by members (currently being sourced). Talks are released on a stagger so people don’t bulk book. Talks confirmed to date:
Mayan civilization,
How to write your living history
Yoga (booking not yet released)
Bridge tutorials for beginners and improvers (booking not yet released)
Crown green bowling (booking not yet released)
Philosophy (booking not yet released)
Cryptic crosswords (booking not yet released)
Japan (booking not yet released)
Other TBC.

3. Made it! Make it! gets a Christmas update – you will be encouraged to send in pictures and explanations of how they have made decorations/items for Christmas and the festive season. This will use the same pages with updated wording and a push on social media. From 12th October, regular weekly updating.

4. Poetry reading. Encouraging members to read their poems aloud. Led by a u3a member. First session 14th October, 2:30pm. Second session TBC. Booking at: Educational Events

5. Winter Watch. Members send in pictures of winter gardens, scenes, animals etc. Launching 20th October, regular weekly updating.

6. Battle of Britain and the Blitz. You are encouraged to send in your stories of your experiences/ those of your families and friends. Stories will go up on the website. Launch date by 23rd October.

7. Paint or Draw (POD) – The monthly art challenge. Similar to u3a Eye. You send in pictures of your original artwork on a monthly theme. Up to 15 images are chosen for the online gallery. No prizes, just prestige. Launch date: 26th October.

8. U3A Maths Week (“Don’t retire from maths – count yourself in!”). Three events planned (publicity released 8th Oct including a prize draw) and booking at: Educational Events
Monday 9 November 2020, 2pm to 3.30pm Online talk by Rob Eastaway, “Maths on the Back of an Envelope.”
Wednesday 11 November 2020, 2pm to 3pm Maths problems and puzzles workshop.
Friday 13 November 2020, 2pm to 3pm Maths activities and games.

9. U3A Radio Podcast – Second programme to be released 17th November.

10. Friday watercolour painters – A series of five workshops led by a u3a member where participants are shown how to produce a to produce a finished piece of artwork at the end. Pictures of the final artworks to go up on a online gallery. Starts 20th November. Advertised at: Educational Events

11. Programme of ‘external’ talks. Includes to date:
National Gallery – Life and paintings of Artemisia (£5) on 24th November
Guildhall Art Gallery – Prerecorded talk about the Romans. Date TBC
National Trust – History of the National Trust (free). Date TBC
British Library – Christmas literature (free). Date TBC
Southwark Cathedral – TBC
National Army Museum – TBC

12. Christmas Choir – Group carol singing led by the U3A member who led the previous choir sessions. 10th December. A new weekly choir initiative, working towards a recorded song to start in January 2021.

13. Ongoing initiatives at: National Programmes
U3A Eye – Fortnightly photograph challenge on a different theme each time.
Maths challenge – weekly
Quiz – weekly
Birdwatch – Continuous with weekly updating
Creative Covid Collaboration – Members create ‘squares’ to form a digital patchwork. Continuous
Ideas to keep learning – weekly
Diary – now closed, submissions for each week to the end of July available to read
Creative Writing Competition 2020. Winners announced. The 13 regional winners’ stories are available to read

14. January – A series of Winter Schools are planned for 11th Jan – end of Feb 2021.


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