Social & Educational Group for Market Rasen & Surrounding Area

Author: David Oliver

  • Coup de Théâtre

    Yesterday after the AGM and during the splendid Turkish Delight Belly Dancers performance there was a piece of pure theatre. Also a misunderstanding! I was expecting the contents [theatrical sausages on a string] to be thrown towards the audience i.e. me. I did not expect the bucket to come hurtling through the air  as well.…

  • 2020 Diaries

    At the September General Meeting  (12 Sept 19), I shall have a list available for members  wishing to purchase a 2020 U3A Diary. The cost will be £3.25 for each diary. Members are able to purchase diaries themselves via the  National U3A website, should they so wish. David

  • Gardening Group

    Brilliant and entertaining talk by Loretta (Titch) Rivett on “Historical Lincolnshire Plants” yesterday. Sadly many of the group were away on an organised trip, but they missed one of the best  and natural speakers we have had at our group. Mary (Howes) is doing a great job as convener of this group – Many Thanks. David

  • U3A 2019 Diaries

    The pre-ordered U3A diaries will be available for collection at  the October General Meeting David Oliver

  • U3A 2019 Diaries

    The 2019 U3A diaries are now available. They can be ordered individually online from the national U3A website or via West Wolds U3A. In September I shall take orders [together with payment] for those members wishing to purchase via West Wolds U3A. The price of a diary is £3 each. There may possibly be a…

  • Gardening Group at Steve’s in Wragby

    Thank you Steve for hosting the Gardening Group at your lovely garden in Wragby. We were all intrigued about viewing your “folly” and we were not disappointed. Thank you also to the “team” who assisted and provided the refreshments and plant too. Not the best day weather wise (although it did fit the pattern from…

  • New Short Course on Architecture planned for 2018

    I am proposing to start & co-ordinate at short course on Architecture in the new year. It will be a proactive course and members of the group will be expected to give a presentation on an architectural style of their choice i.e. Tudor, Classical, Art Deco etc, (I will get in first and give a…

  • U3A 2018 Diaries

    The U3A 2018 Diaries have arrived. They will be on sale at the October General Meeting. The diaries are priced at £3. The cover colour this year is “French Blue” They will be available on a first come first served basis, however, I will order more if necessary. David Oliver – WW U3A Business Secretary.

  • Gardening Club @ Hemswell

    The Gardening Group had a fantastic and fun afternoon visit to Margaret’s lovely garden at Hemswell yesterday – Wednesday 17 May 17. Margaret is to be congratulated and thanked for the effort she put into hosting and preparing her garden (and house) for some rather soggy visitors. As you will have realised the weather was…

  • Audit of West Wolds U3A Equipment

    An audit of West Wolds U3A  owned assets will be undertaken prior to the AGM. This will enable the Business Secretary and Treasurer to check and value equipment owned by WW U3A, but held by respective group coordinators. It is requested that a list of equipment (not necessarily electrical) held by groups be provided to…

  • Items for New Age Matters ( NAM)

    In order for me to send some useful items of interest to a contribution to NAM, could I request group coordinators send me snippets of what your groups have recently been up to. I propose to edit a piece for the magazine for information to other readers, but also to raise our profile nationally.  Please…

  • Lincoln Cathedral Medieval and Wren Libraries

    Whilst not strictly related to WW U3A, I thought that as I am a steward in the cathedral libraries, you might be interested in some new arrivals and loans in the library. I know from our discussions that many of West Wolds U3A members are interested in history, both local and national, so I am sure many…

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