Social & Educational Group for Market Rasen & Surrounding Area


Scunthorpe U3A have kindly invited West Wolds Members to join them for their next 3 online Speakers, details below. Put the date in your diary and look out for the invitation link nearer the date to join.

March 26th will be Brian Fernly who hails from Exeter. Brian is involved with the South West Aviation Heritage group and will tell us a story about a famous US serviceman.

Growing up during the great depression Joe Byerle (pronounced buy early) might have been a renown international athlete had the war not have intervened. He joined the famous 101st Airborne and flew from Exeter to France on D-Day. He’d been there before on a secret mission, making him the first US paratrooper to set foot in occupied Europe. Unfortunately, his campaign didn’t last long before he was captured by the Germans. That’s when the story really starts, with escapes from prison camps, interrogation by the Gestapo and eventually fighting with a Russian tank group. Joe’s story is uplifting and shows what a human being is capable of with the will and determination to survive.

April  23rd  Keith Hanson who will give us an illustrated presentation of the Tower of London.

Our speaker for May 28th  will be John Hope. His talk is called “Extra Time”

A personal story of how John & his wife survived the Tsunami of 2004 whilst in Sri Lanka. including the escape and what happened next. The latter includes a return to the country, providing employment but also to encourage overseas investment in order to help local people. It also explains how they overcame problems in operating in the country but then faced further challenges.


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