Social & Educational Group for Market Rasen & Surrounding Area

Chairman’s Newsletter April 2020

How are you all? Safe and well I hope, and, whilst not exactly enjoying our “elderly isolation” at least getting all those jobs done around the house and garden which we have been putting off for so long because we were too busy; or thought we were!
Here at Casa del Brighton we are dusting off old hobbies and learning new things so there is a glimmer of a silver lining to be seen and I hope you are too and that we will all come out of this with a bit more knowledge than we went in with and have some great new pastimes to enjoy in the future. One of my new adventures is building a doll’s house, from scratch! I have all the bits of wood and floors and ceilings and am waiting for my little doll’s house tool kit to arrive and then……. here I go! Fred Barratts got nothing on me!! It’s something I have always wanted to do and now feels like the perfect time to do it. I think I may chronicle my “self-build” in photos and words and you never know one or two of the pics may end up in a future Chairman’s Newsletter!

If you are reading this, you must have access to our website so it would be great if you could let us know on the website what you are enjoying in this new era we find ourselves in, so do let us know about your “adventures in isolation” and let your fellow members know what is happening with you. Just because we currently can’t see each other doesn’t mean we can’t stay in touch. Any new hobby or pastime that you are pursuing or any great books you have read; I’m already on my fifth book of the lockdown and thoroughly enjoying delving into “other peoples worlds” through their written word.

Today I have been reading about another U3A group who are thinking about starting a “phone tree” and I wonder if that is something WWU3A could get involved in? The basic premise is that members volunteer to contact any of our members who we know to be isolated and alone during this awful time and who can’t get out and about or rarely see anyone. I don’t have a concrete plan set in place yet, I wanted to see if there were any members out there who would be happy to help with this first so if you might be interested please contact me on either of the numbers or email address below. It wouldn’t mean contacting lots of members every week as there may not be many who would want it; as I said nothing in concrete yet.

Have you heard of the Zoom Meeting Video site online? Terry and I are using it to keep in visual touch with our family and friends and it is proving to be a great substitute for not being able to see those we hold dear. West Wolds Warblers group have had a couple of meetings using the Zoom app to stay in touch with the group members and to carry on having a Warble and it is proving a great success. Thank you, Julia & Terry Francis for getting it organised and continuing to run the group in trying times!
Have any other of our groups been using video technology to run your groups; or how are you managing to run your group in other ways? Do let me know, it would be lovely if we could let our members know that we are not losing contact with each other and our groups.

And last, but, definitely not least A Very Happy 90th Birthday to Betty Pickett on 26th April. Have a lovely day Betty and I’m sure the party will happen when we are all allowed out again. If anyone reading this knows Betty, please let her know we all send her our warmest birthday greetings as I’m not sure she has access to t’internet!

Stay safe and well,
Linda Brighton
Chairman, West Wolds U3A

Contact details: Home: 01673 843925 Mobile: 07762385929


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