Social & Educational Group for Market Rasen & Surrounding Area

Corona Virus Update

Dear Members of West Wolds U3A,

As I hope we are all aware by now we have been “strongly advised” by our government to drastically limit physical contact with each other in order to stay well ourselves and, also to avoid spreading Covid-19.

Your Committee of Trustees have agreed that until we are given the all clear for meetings and gatherings to take place again we are cancelling ALL our monthly General Meetings and strongly recommending that our Group Conveners cancel all meetings, walks and activities and ALL our members do NOT attend any of the above. As I write this message to you I have been contacted by the Festival Hall, Market Rasen, that all meetings and events, including any of our own groups who meet there and of course our General Meeting are cancelled and The Festival Hall is closed.

As a committee we are aware that we cannot force these suggestions and recommendations on any of our members and friends but given our average age group and the advice on self-isolating we have been given, which Terry and myself are definitely following, we would hope that good sense will prevail and we will all stay safe and well.

May I ask that if you know of any members who do not have access to this message via our website or Mailchimp whom you have contact details for, that you let them know the contents so they are also aware of what is going on.

And, on the same note, if you know of any of our more vulnerable or isolated members, who may be in need of shopping etc., then please either contact me to let me know or pass on my contact details to them and I will do what I can. My contact details are at the end of this message.

I have been in touch with The Green Life Pantry who are working with Market Rasen in Action to help our vulnerable members of the Rasen community with shopping and/or medicine collections. I have added the Action groups website address to the end of this message (I don’t have a telephone number) but if you or someone you know needs access to them then let me know and I will try to help.

Also, The PET shop in Market Rasen is offering a “ring & pay over the phone & delivery service” to elderly or vulnerable people for our pet and wild bird food requirements; and our pets and the winged visitors to our gardens are going to be very important to us during this time of isolation.

Again, I have added The Pet Shop telephone number to the end of this message.

This situation is without a doubt one, if not the most impactful and life changing event of most of our lifetimes and if we can help each other through it as members of West Wolds U3A and as a nation by firstly not passing on the virus through social contact; and by we, the elderly, staying in our homes as much as is humanly possible to lessen the risk of ourselves becoming ill; and, supporting our fellow members of U3A and the members of our local communities with telephone calls, text messages and emails if you have access to it, then we will be building a great plan for our future after the pandemic is gone!

Myself and your Committee wish you all the best and urge you to keep safe and well and we will see each other when this awful situation is over!!

On behalf of West Wolds U3A
Linda Brighton
Chairman West Wolds U3A

MY CONTACT DETAILS: 01673 843925 & 07762385929 email:
THE PET SHOP MARKET RASEN, Bridge Pitman-Brand: 01673 844711

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