Social & Educational Group for Market Rasen & Surrounding Area

20th Anniversary Starts Here…

Thursday 14th March sees the start of our 20th Anniversary celebrations.

Doors will open at 9.30am and there will be the usual opportunity to browse the variety of groups we now have on offer and to meet old friends and make new ones.

Pam Jones from National Office will give a brief talk on her view of U3A and will then cut the celebration cake. We will then hear some reminiscences from a few of the founding members of West Wolds U3A during which the cake will be distributed around the hall.

The event will be closed with a few words from our chairman, Steve McCarthy


2 responses to “20th Anniversary Starts Here…”

  1. Chrissie Larkin

    I was going to compose a review about the celebration but find that Sheila has posted everything I would have wanted to say!
    All I can say, therefore, is my own big thank you to everyone involved in organising this event. I know a great deal of hard work and a lot of time went into this and it was all very much appreciated.
    I just wish some of the younger generation, who may, at times, think we are all fuddy-duddies, could have witnessed what courageous, vibrant, positive and far-sighted members we have had, and still have, in our group.
    Thank you, all.

  2. sheila

    What a great start to our 20th Anniversary celebrations! Pam Jones was very encouraging in her comments and is obviously a very plucky lady. It was lovely to hear the stories of how WWU3A started from our very own members who should be justly proud that without their efforts we would not have the thriving organisation we have today. A big thank you to the Anniversary committee for preparing the hall the night before and making all the arrangements for a very successful occasion. The cake was delicious too !

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