Social & Educational Group for Market Rasen & Surrounding Area

West Wolds members delight Spilsby U3A

Our U3A Market Rasen Ukulele Band and our Turkish Delight Desert Dancers attended the Spilsby U3A 10th Anniversary celebrations on the 14th September. Both groups delighted the audiences with their entertainment: the Ukulele Band were gaily decorated in hats and waistcoats of many colours, and played two sets with a variety of numbers, to everyone’s delight.  Do they have any photos to display?

The Turkish Desert Dancers, likewise attractively dressed (almost!) in veils of many colours, swirling skirts and jingling jewellery, were introduced by the Sultan, Mustafa Kupoftee, and hindered by their smelly, downtrodden camel herding slave, Abdul.  Their costumes brought forth applause when they entered the Hall, and on completion of their dances, the ladies were loudly clapped and cheered as they left the stage.  They even managed to get some of the local members up to join in the veil moves at the end of the concert, much to the delight of all in the Franklin Hall.  Well done, West Wolds members, for taking your skills and entertainment out to the wider world in Lincolnshire!  Next stop the Albert Hall, London?


One response to “West Wolds members delight Spilsby U3A”

  1. A fantastic effort by West Wold members. Well done!

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