Social & Educational Group for Market Rasen & Surrounding Area

First Aid session – Part 1.

Some 25 members recently attended a Red Cross led half day session on essential First Aid knowledge.  Arranged for us by Sharon as one of her unique experience events, the tutor was Isabel Wyatt, who travelled from Grantham to lead us through some basics of what to do when we encounter someone who needs help.  Whilst the initial need is to call for professional medical help, we can all lend assistance through better knowledge of  cardiac resuscitation, what the defibrillator can do, getting the patient comfortable, in the correct position to free the tongue and such matters.  A truly worthwhile couple of hours well spent, and the next session is scheduled to be held on 5th March next year.  Don’t miss that one!


One response to “First Aid session – Part 1.”

  1. Chrissie Larkin

    This talk was really well delivered and very informative. We learned up-to-date methods of resuscitation and about some important changes. We can all do something to help someone in need, even if it is just to call for help or to talk to the patient. We were taught that we should have the confidence to offer assistance but never go beyond our skills and always be guided by the person who knows the most! Isabel gave very valuable information on the use of the defibrillator boxes which is essential given that there are more of these available now. Isabel was a credit to the Red Cross and I will certainly be attending her next talk. Many thanks to Sharon for organizing this.

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