Social & Educational Group for Market Rasen & Surrounding Area

National U3A May Newsletter

U3A National Office are producing a monthly newsletter. You are encouraged to sign up to receive it by clicking here sign up

An introduction from the Chief Executive, Sam Mauger is below:

Dear Member,

U3As across the movement are working hard to stay open for business -even although its virtual and not face to face.

Everyone is working hard to stay connected and active during this period of restricted movement and, if our Keeping in Touch Facebook page is anything to go by, you are all doing it with energy, kindness and great humour.

Some of you are asking about whether it is time to resume some face to face meetings. From a U3A activity perspective it is really important that government and NHS advice is followed. The U3A movement has been guided throughout this time by that advice and should continue to do so – for the safety and wellbeing of all our members.

We have been advised by our insurers that this is crucial from a public liability insurance perspective.

I appreciate how strong you have all been maintaining social distancing and remote learning in this difficult time . You have carried on supporting, uniting and protecting each other – so please carry on doing this until the government and NHS guidance changes.

Many of you have asked us about the next steps and we want to work with you so that together, we can develop a plan for the future. Our Chair Ian has more details further down the Newsletter about how you can input into that process.

It is lovely to read so many of your stories and connections below. Please keep encouraging others to sign up to the newsletter so that we can keep sharing and staying connected with each other.

I hope you enjoyed our Mr Motivator exercise videos: please share with us how you found them.

For the first time, in an effort to join you in embracing technology, I have recorded a short message below. (Available when you sign up)

Very best wishes


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