Social & Educational Group for Market Rasen & Surrounding Area

Author: Sharon Rupp

  • Banda Aceh – After The Wave

    This morning our speaker Jim Holmes presented us with a photographic account of the effects of the 2004 tsunami on Banda Aceh, which took the full force of the wave. Jim has been a professional freelance photographer for 35 years working across the world depicting humanitarian projects run by Oxfam, the United Nations (UNICEF, WHO…

  • Thursday’s Speaker Invitation

    On Thursday 10th June our Speaker will be Jim Holmes, a freelance photographer documenting humanitarian work worldwide, in conjunction with international non-government organisations and charities that manage projects worldwide. Aceh, After the Wave. December 2004 saw a massive undersea earthquake send a wave of water over 20 Metres high rushing towards the Sumatran coast, in western…

  • June Speaker Zoom Link

    On 10th June our Speaker will be Jim Holmes, a freelance photographer documenting humanitarian work worldwide, in conjunction with international non-government organisations and charities that manage projects worldwide. Aceh, After the Wave. December 2004 saw a massive undersea earthquake send a wave of water over 20 Metres high rushing towards the Sumatran coast, in western Indonesia.…


    Louth u3a have kindly invited us to join them and other u3a’s in the region for a quiz night on Wednesday 2nd June (yes, this Wednesday!) at 7pm via Zoom. This event will be for fun and answers self marked by participants; there will be no requirement to reveal your final score.  The link to…


    In preparation for re-opening our Monthly General Meetings, we require someone to help with keeping the Noticeboards relevant and interesting, and stock check the u3a on-site cupboard occasionally. We would also like help to set up and pack away the equipment needed (PA system, screen etc). It does not take long when there are more…

  • June Speaker Jim Holmes ‘Aceh – After The Wave’

    On 10th June our Speaker will be Jim Holmes, a freelance photographer documenting humanitarian work worldwide, in conjunction with international non-government organisations and charities that manage projects worldwide. Aceh, After the Wave. December 2004 saw a massive undersea earthquake send a wave of water over 20 Metres high rushing towards the Sumatran coast, in western…

  • Sign Up for a Free IAM Driving Session

    Following yesterday’s presentation by IAM Roadsmart, members who would like to take up the opportunity of a free taster can sign up online here:

  • Review of our May Speaker

    Roger Hicks & Ashley Behan of IAM Roadsmart gave us an illustrated talk on preparing to enter the world of heavier traffic now that lockdown is easing. Covering topics such as checking you and your car are ready to resume driving, to the principles of advanced driving, spotting hazards, little-known driving laws and a couple…

  • Your Membership Number

    You may have noticed recently that your Membership Number has been included in some of our  communications and wondered why. When renewal time comes around in September, our Treasurer Terry would like as many of our members as possible to pay via Bank Transfer because our local Lloyds Bank has closed. In order to recognise…

  • May Speaker – Institute of Advanced Motorists

    Our May Speakers are the Institute of Advanced Motorists Lincolnshire presenting DRIVING POST LOCKDOWN Getting back behind the wheel with heavier traffic will require a bit more caution not least because the majority of drivers will be out of practice. IAM RoadSmart’s 40 minute presentation will focus on the following key issues. Are you ready…

  • April 22nd 10.45am Morcambe & Wise

    Alford u3a have kindly invited us to watch their Speaker on Thursday but you need to register TODAY with   Janet Groome on 07397175346 or   Curtain up 10.45am  Talk starts at 11am Speaker Steve Short Britain’s Most Loved Double Act – Morecambe and Wise Using photographs and video clips Steve Short will bring to life the…


    We are arranging to have a stall at the Gardeners Market in July and need bunting to decorate it. Do you have the skills to make some? It can be traditional fabric, pom-poms, knitted or crocheted, anything you like and we will provide the materials in the specific colours. Please let me know if you…


    Scunthorpe continue to invite us to their Speaker sessions. Their next event is on Friday 23rd April at 1.30pm and features Keith Hanson who we had in 2019. Keith gives various talks on the subject of the Tower of London. The Zoom invitation link is below: Time: Apr 23, 2021 01:30pm Join Zoom Meeting…


    Barclays Digital Eagles The u3a has teamed up with Barclays Digital Eagles to provide a week of online training for members, beginning on 19 April. See  below for the title and dates of each session and click the link for more detail and to register. u3a Internet Basics Monday 19 April, 10am – 11.30.…


    Talk, Eat, Drink (TED) in East Lindsey is funded by the National Lottery Community Fund under its Ageing Better programme. The TED Programme tries to identify the good provisions that are delivered through existing groups and facilities and helps to develop and promote them. This is achieved through the involvement of over 50s and local…

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